Motions? What kind of motion is this?

Micah doing motions! An improvement from last year for sure. He knew them all!

Annie and Ali got to be in the same group and even stand together for the performance.

Truth be told... Caleb did the air-guitar instead of the real motions most of the songs. It was so super cute. He was standing by His friend Tommy and they were actually both jammin' out on their air guitars.

For the performance Micah had the brilliant idea of wearing a kris kreme hat sideways to go with the theme. This years VBS was called High Seas Expedition.

We all had so much fun. It is neat to see what they learn about God as they get older. God's word is wonderful. God's word is surprising. God's word is life changing. God's word is for everyone. I'm not sure if i got those right and I left one out :) There was also a song in the play that was very meaningful to us called Ancient Words. It is about God's word being the truth and being preserved for us so we can have hope today!