We are so blessed everyday with the news that Zoe doesn't have OI. We have such a great family and we rejoice in the Lord always! Thank you God for what you have given us.
Take notice of the spoon in the bowl. Most mornings Caleb uses his spoon to eat his cereal but not this morning and it was making me laugh so hard because he was so into eating this was he didn't even notice me taking pictures for a few bites. tee hee. I think there was actually less mess on the table and chair when he was done. Caleb looses half the milk off of his spoon, down his front or on the table. It is always a huge milky mess when he's done. I wouldn't trade his mess for anything :)
Our dear friend Marty Stayer died the year after Mark and I got married and has a bench down the street from where his parents used to live in San Diego. The bench overlooks Pacific Beach. We've been to Marty's memorial bench before but we thought we'd like to see it again with our kids. Ali sat down right away and started reading the placard.
There was a huge kids section. We chose to go on the rides and go on the McDonald's like play area on steroids. Mark went on the huge playground and I got to go on the rides. We had so much fun! We met some really cool people standing in line too.
Thanks to Anheuser Busch we get complimentary tickets to Sea World each year. Here is some pictures from our trip. We had so much fun and the kids had a blast. Thanks to the beer company for the free tickets each year :)!
We were waiting patiently for the Shamu show. The boys were convinced they wanted to get wet so we changed their shoes and off Mark went with the boys to go sit in the "splash zone." Can you find them in the crowd? The hint is they are all three wearing orange. In the splash picture it looks like they got wet but they didn't. The boys were disappointed for a few minutes but soon got over it. I'm sure Mark was glad they didn't get soaked. They were up close and got a great show regardless.
So, long story short we got Zoe's test results back last week and she does NOT have OI. This is just an amazing miracle in our little girl. She is so wonderful and I thank God everyday for the work he did for us and in my daughter. I have to admit I am thrilled that she has a short leg because right now it is a testimony to us of what could have been and what God has done to change that! Here is a picture of our little girl hanging out. -Jess
I know everyone hears me say this about my kiddos quite frequently. Here is another demonstration of Caleb's cuteness. I walked into the living room and there he was lying in the middle of a piled up blanket playing with his stuffed animal as if he were a real being! So cute. He was in his own little world. I think I'd better go kiss his little cheeks right now :)
One morning Ali came into my room before my alarm went off and said, "Mom, Caleb is eating chocolate on the couch!" I was not sure what she was talking about and how it could be possible until I reached the couch. Sure enough he was eating some precious chocolates. Half a box! Wow! I was so shocked by the sight I had to take a picture. He was very proud of himself as you can see. I am glad he didn't loose the chocolates soon after eating them, if you know what I mean.